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Brendan Healy

Membre du Jury, 2014

Image : Nom, Titre, Description




Brendan has been the Artistic Director at Canadian Stage since 2018. As a director, his work has been presented across the country and Europe. Notable productions include Olivier Choinière’s Public Enemy, Daniel Brooks’ Other People, Vivek Shraya’s How To Fail As A Pop Star, Tim Luscombe’s PIG, Jean Genet’s The Maids, Sarah Kane’s Blasted, and Nina Arsenault’s The Silicone Diaries. His productions have garnered multiple Dora Mavor Moore Awards and he is a recipient of the Ken McDougall and the Pauline McGibbon awards for directing. In 2021, Toronto Life named Brendan as one of Toronto’s Most Influential People for his leadership at Canadian Stage. Brendan is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada, where he is a regular instructor. Brendan has taught at universities across the country. He also holds a Masters in International Arts Management from SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy. Prior to coming to Canadian Stage, Brendan was the Artistic Director of Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.



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