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Jeremy Wasserman

Membre du Jury, 2005

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Jerry Wasserman is Professor of English and Theatre, specializing in modern drama and theatre history with particular interests in Canadian theatre and popular entertainments. His books include Modern Canadian Plays (2 vols.), now in its 5th edition, Twenty Years at Play: A New Play Centre Anthology, Theatre and Autobiography: Writing and Performing Lives in Theory and Practice, co-edited with Sherrill Grace, and Spectacle of Empire: Marc Lescarbot’s Theatre of Neptune in New France. He also wrote and hosted Modern Canadian Theatre, a 12-hour telecourse for BC’s Knowledge Network. Wasserman has published widely on modern drama, modern fiction, and blues literature. He reviewed theatre for CBC radio for 17 years and is currently theatre critic for The Province newspaper in Vancouver. He has sat on the board of Playwrights Theatre Centre and the Canadian Theatre Critics Association, and has more than 200 professional acting credits for stage and screen. 


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