Leonard McHardy
Président du Jury, 2003-2008
Membre du Jury, 2002
Image : Nom, Titre, Description
Leonard started his life in the theatre as an actor, director and administrator. In the late 70’s at the behest of its then director, he worked at Stratford in press and public relations. In 1975, he founded, with his life partner John Harvey, the now seminal and legendary TheatreBooks. More than simply a store, TheatreBooks was a heart and hub for Toronto’s theatre and performing arts community. For over 40 years, hundreds of members of Canada’s performing arts community moved through its doors – reading, learning, working, finding and creating works that have filled stages across Canada. Leonard joined the board of Necessary Angel in 2004 and was appointed its chair. He served for twelve years, after which he joined the Necessary Angel team, where today, he does development work and serves as our invaluable, one-of-a-kind, eminence-grise.
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