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Maureen LaBonte

Présidente du Jury, 2009-2012

Membre du Jury, 2005

Image : Nom, Titre, Description



Maureen Labonte is a dramaturge, translator and teacher. She has coordinated a number of play development programmes in theatres and play development centres across the country including at the Banff Centre for the Arts, the Centre des auteurs dramatiques (CEAD) in Montreal, the National Arts Centre (Ottawa) and Playwrights Workshop Montreal. Maureen has also worked extensively as a translation dramaturge.

Maureen was the Jury Chair for the Siminovitch Prize in Theatre from 2009 to 2012. From 2006 to 2011, she was Co-Director of the Banff Playwrights Colony at the Banff Center for the Arts. Previous to that, she worked at the Colony as resident dramaturge and then as Head of Program (2002-2005).

Maureen taught at the National Theatre School of Canada for twenty years starting in the mid-90’s. 

Maureen has also translated close to fifty plays into English. She lives in Montreal. 


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