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Natalie Rewa

Membre du Jury, 2003

Image : Nom, Titre, Description



Member of the First Siminovitch Jury for Design in 2003. Convenor of “Theatre by Design” (Toronto, 2003). Author of Scenography in Canada: Selected Designers (2004), co-curator of the Canadian delegation to Prague Quadrennial 2007, and co-editor of Imprints of Process (2008), editor of Design and Scenography (2009) guest editor of the special issue: “Costumes and Costuming” of Canadian Theatre Review 152 (2013). Her research has appeared in Performance Costume: New Perspectives and Methods (2020), Performing Architectures: Projects, Practices, Pedagogies (2018) and in journals Theatre and Performance Design, Canadian Theatre Review, Theatre Research in Canada, Australasian Studies, Theatre Journal, Studies in Costume and Performance and Scene. She is Professor Emerita of Drama in the Dan School of Drama and Music at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.


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