Sarah Stanley
Jury Member, 2016
Image: Name, Title, Description
Sarah is the National Arts Centre’s Associate Artistic Director of English Theatre, where she focuses on The Collaborations and The Cycle(s), and is the Interim Facilitator, Indigenous Theatre. She is Artistic Director and co-creator of and is co-director for Selfconscious Theatre. She co-founded the Baby Grand in Kingston, co-created Women Making Scenes in Montreal, and Die in Debt Theatre in Toronto. Sarah is a former Artistic Director of Buddies in Bad Times, and over a 25-year award-winning career has enjoyed extended stays at the National Theatre School of Canada, Magnetic North Theatre Festival and Factory Theatre. She is the recipient of the Elliot Hayes Award for excellence in dramaturgy, is on the 2016-17 Season Advisory Panel for York University’s Theatre Arts performance season, as well as the Advisory Committee for the Dan School of Drama and Music at Queen’s University, chairs the Patrick Conner Awards, and is newly appointed to the board of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. Sarah most recently directed Hannah Moscovitch’s Bunny at the Stratford Festival.
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